Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom Blue France Hardware Ghw

Price on request

Available for pre-order
The price depends on the dollar exchange rate on the day of order

The price of the bags presented on the site varies
from 200 000 to 1 200 000 rub.






We offer authentic quality Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom Blue France Hardware Ghw with a guarantee of perfect fit from 100% original materials in the boutique set.

All our products are made entirely by hand from genuine materials. Not a single detail is left without attention. Everything is exactly the same as the authentic quality of Hermès bags and accessories.

We guarantee exclusive quality, which has no analogues throughout the world. All production at our factory is set up exclusively for tailoring one Hermes brand. The products are created entirely by hand using an original matrix from genuine materials under the strict guidance of the chief craftsman, who has been improving his skills for a long time at the Hermes fashion house. No detail is left unattended. Everything exactly repeats the authentic quality of bags and accessories of the legendary brand. If you have played enough with the Hermes originals and are looking for a worthy alternative without the slightest difference, then order any model from stock and make sure it is absolutely consistent.

If you want to buy a Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom bag in Blue France color, leave a request on this page and we will contact you.

  • Branded box
  • Anther
  • Documentation
  • Book with rules of care
  • Raincoat
  • Ribbon
  • Felt
  • Hermes paper bag
All models presented on the site are current and ready to order.
On the model example picotin
Types of Hermes leather for our bags and accessories
Our factory cooperates
with the best tanneries in Europe
, respectively, all the leather used in tailoring is imported
Add an Accessory to your collection
and wear it on your favorite bags.
Threads for Hermes bags and accessories
We do not use machine stitching

Absolutely all products are sewn by hand. To perform this type of sewing, a saddle stitch is used.

We offer authentic quality for the most demanding customers, where every detail is made in full accordance with the original Hermes.
You won’t find such execution anywhere, except perhaps in the boutique itself.

Hermes color palette
We carry out tailoring according to the official Hermes palette

Including rare and discontinued flowers. When coloring the material, the factory does not use artificial dyes, which allows the color to be attached deep into the skin structure.

The subsequent processing with a fixer according to a special technology guarantees color stability for many years.

By choosing our accessories you can be sure
that the fittings do not darken over time and, thanks to a reliable coating, are less susceptible to scratches, which ensures a long service life of the product.
Also we can upon special order, decorate the fittings with diamonds. The purest diamonds (VVS) from Saudi Arabia are used for inlay. The stones are guaranteed for the entire period of operation of the product.
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Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom Blue France Hardware Ghw

The price depends on the dollar exchange rate on the day of order
Photo 70 - Kelly 25 Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom Blue France Hardware Ghw
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Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom Blue France Hardware Ghw

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Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom Blue France Hardware Ghw
Photo 72 - Kelly 25 Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom Blue France Hardware Ghw
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Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom Blue France Hardware Ghw

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Photo 73 - Kelly 25 Hermes Kelly Sellier 25 Epsom Blue France Hardware Ghw
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