Our factory is the best in tailoring bags and accessories in the Autentic category.
It has closed access and exports only to Europe. However, we found an opportunity to bring products of this level to Russia!
Bags and accessories are of the highest quality because all production is customized exclusively for tailoring one Hermes brand.
The factory is run by a master who has been perfecting his skills in the Hermes fashion house for 10 years. He personally checks each hand-made product, controls the work of the craftsmen. For tailoring, the original sample is used.
Absolutely all accessories of our factory are created from genuine Hermes materials.
All the nuances are observed - stitch length, slope; the width of the cut of the skin, its proper waxing; hot stamping technology is taken into account; weight and size of the product, etc.
Our bags are a worthy alternative to the Hermes originals. If you are looking for the highest quality, then order any model from stock and make sure it is absolutely true to the original.